Monday, September 15, 2008

After 5 Days Without The Net

My second week in the classrooms was much more valuable to my experience than the first week. In part due to the life lessons I have learned in and out of the classroom. The Internet had not been working in the school for 5 days and hindered me blogging also from contacting my family and friends. The thing one learns quickly when in Africa is that there may be many speed bumps in your path but if you take your time and go slow, one will come out of it unscathed. This idea was also shown to me in my home. The shower has not been running for the past 4 days, so I have had to use a bucket and pale. If the water did not work in my house in America I would be furious but the people here take it in stride because it is a common occurance and that has taught me to relax about small things like that.

In the classroom I have been becoming more comfortable being in front of the class and taking on responsibilities. The research is still very difficult and confusing but my teacher has shared his noted he uses to conduct the class in an organized manor with me. That is a very big help. We are more team teaching at the moment rather than either of us teaching a whole lesson. Soon I hope to take over full responsibility of the class!! The students are starting to become more friendly with me and see me as a teacher. I realized that marking assignments is a very tedious process that can take an exorbitant about of time. It may be only 10 questions but when I have to grade multiple classes it takes a lot of time for simple assignments.

Culturally, Andrea and I experienced a funeral this last weekend and saw the many differences. The Ghanaians tend to celebrate the persons life rather than mourn their death. There was much more singing and readings than the funerals I have attended in America. Everyone was invited to the house of the deceased person after the funeral. There was a band and food for people, we didn't stay long but it was a very nice thing for them to do.

Everything is going great with the family. I have been playing football a lot with the boys. My body is not used to the heat and makes it difficult to play for long because I get so hot. I try hard to keep up but these kids play regularly from birth and are very, very good at controlling the ball. Also they play in flip flops or barefoot which is amazing. I must look so silly running around chasing the ball they strategically pass to each other. I am having fun though, and I hope everything keeps getting better.

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